Sunday, October 26, 2008


I thought night two was quite uneventful in the light of night three, which could have landed me in a number of (more) dangerous places. El Squid Roe was the scene of just about every BO, and the second night of loathing saw an exceptionally hard BO. All I have to say, once again, is that luck was on my side, and i thank goodness for the handful of Betas who literally saved my blacked little behind. Apparently, and this is their account(s), Mike (is there a picture of this), myself, and Banshee took a taxi to their hotel where who do find but MY twin from another mother, Kris. He's wondering around their hotel, blind drunk, and happens to stumble upon us. Cool cool, i throw a couple cushions on the floor and call it a night while the other three share a fold-out. So luck struck twice that morning.

The third night was a much uglier, and harrowing experience i only hope my Spartan son(s) get to undergo. I basically got hazed by a couple of Mexicans. 

(I think) This was the night of the booze cruise and for some odd reason i was wearing Kris' B Roy jersey. Ah yes, for some reason he and i were among the only drunk kids on that damned boat. Which was awesome, cheers Robbie. I would finish a drink and another would be sliding its way towards me before i could throw it away. The one girl who would dance with me got my beer bottle to the head too many times. Men peed off the bow. Get Buck in Here played twice. Three-Asian hyphey circle. And finally a competition where a few of us tried to see who could lean over the side the furthest with the result being us straight hanging over the edge. Returning to dock was a sad time indeed, but not as sad as when i found myself in a taxi van all alone save three Mexican dudes. I know, i deserved to be cut. Anyhoo i got to el Squid. By myself. And proceed to get blacked with a guy named Joe. Memory terminated.

Memory resumed. I have no idea what time it is, but guess it's at least three-ish, and i find myself back outside the gate of hotel from night one. Far more grim a sitch. The night watchman behind the counter not only decided not to be my friend anymore, but I couldn't speak a word of Spanish, nor much English. So I'm sitting their, another night watch comes over, kinda friendly, not enough to let me in, but whatever. Casey saunters up, all alone. God knows where hes been, and i think i'm saved. I had after all should have been allowed in, for the two nights previous Tyler had paid for two nights. Maybe they had to be consecutive. Anyhoo, outside-the-gate henchman let's Casey in right in front my sorry ass, and by this point I've lost all hope. I guess i walked a short distance up the alley and found a plot of dirty side walk where i thought fit to lie face down in. I was in shorts and T, but this time luck reared her ugly head in a different manner.

Casey somehow gets my attention and tosses a pair of sweats, a sweat shirt, and a light blue tank top. This served as my pillow. I think the exterior henchman wouldn't allow me to sleep on the humble plot of land, so i was forced to opt for plan c (or d depending on your idea of a nice place to sleep). The beach was far as fuck, so passed the booth i took a right where what do i find? An abandoned, sandy, trashy lot. The barbed wire fence had fallen in a short way down, and the little guy who many of haven't heard called Survival Instinct yelled at me, "Brosky," pointing yonder, "ya see that wall? go over there, put the tank top down, and sleep there." I was in no position to argue with this total bro, and so, the next morning around seven when the sun was rising i awoke to a dried out weed, "rise and shine mother fucker!" I peed on him and the wall in case any stray dogs get the wrong idea. After all, i lean like a cholo. Fortunately guest hours were on, and i strode drunkenly passed the front desk up into the room to sleep next to Andy. One thing that stood out vividly in my memory is that after waking up around ten i looked into the mirror to find a pathetic site. In my cracked and chapped lips i had dirt ingrained. But hey, what'd they make showers for, eh?

So i think it was after this night that i didn't start drinking for a reasonable while, but when i did it was happy hour the main spot, and we made it rain pretty good over there. *Almost forgot night four. Party van back to Betas hotel, get pwned for a bit by security/front desk. One crafty Beta gets us inside the hotel, but not quite into a room to crash in. Get split up with another group, and end up walking that damned length of beach, you know, that stretch where there's no hotels. The locals' beach as i called it. Three of us walked back, neither Scott nor me knowing whether El Diablo Arturo would kick us. in the balls. No, but we got in flawlessly (except for one detail i don't want to talk about) and i slept on a sweet little cot mattress. I thought this night was calm(er) compared to the others, but i did wake up with that powerful hangover, which brings us back to the pitiful present where Seattle's cold, and school begins once again. Good night, and good luck

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